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Discipleship | Scripture Memorization Kickoff

Discipleship | Scripture Memorization Kickoff

Scripture Memorization

Memorizing Scripture equips us for life’s journey. Thy Bible teaches that God’s Word is a lamp and a light for our path. The Bible also encourages us to hide God’s Word in our hearts. Circled around different topics, this Scripture Memorization class takes you on a journey to memorizing 42 Scripture verses to resource you with your spiritual weapon necessary to gain victory upon victory. With creative memorization tools and weekly accountability, powerful Scripture will be intentionally planted into your life, serving as an investment into your future that will not come back void.

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Evangelism | Apologetics Kickoff

Evangelism | Apologetics Kickoff


The Bible says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” In a culture where opinions seem to be the core of what people believe  it is important to know what you believe and why. This Apologetics Class is all about defending the faith with answers. Answering the “why” to people’s questions. Culture demands it. The church needs it. And the results confirm it. Apologetics is a pre-evangelistic tool to help people open up to receiving the gospel message, finding freedom in knowing the truth.

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Foundations | Fundamentals II Kickoff

Foundations | Fundamentals II Kickoff

Fundamentals II

Fundamentals 2 offers you a deeper understanding of the doctrines of the faith. During this class, you will take a closer look at the fundamentals of your belief, including The Ordinances of the Church: Water Baptism & Communion, The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, The Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Sanctification, and The Church & It’s Mission.

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Evangelism | Praying For Others Kickoff

Evangelism | Praying For Others Kickoff

Praying For Others

Jesus taught His disciples how to pray. Now as disciples of Christ, we are commissioned to pray for others. Praying For Others can happen in a variety of ways. This class equips you to agree with others in praying for Salvation, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Conviction & Sanctification, Deliverance, and Healing. Prepare yourself for when the Spirit leads to pray with someone and be confident that your prayer is effective.

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